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Word of the Chair

Dear Data-Miner, Colleagues, and Friends,

The Industrial Conference of Data Mining, ICDM, is one of the leading events where researchers, practicioners and newcomers in the field of data mining come together to share their ideas and discuss new trends in Data Mining.

At this conference series, quite a number of new theoretical and practical topics in data mining have been developed over the years. Work on multimedia-data mining and applications in medicine, agriculture as well as in security have been presented.

The idea of presenting industrial papers has attracted a lot of practitioners from all over the world and from one year to another more and more people have been sharing the main ideas of their projects with us and have been getting valuable feedback from the research auditorium, thus drawing the interest of researchers to important aspects of practical work. The conference has achieved its aim to bridge research with practice and has led to a fruitful platform for the development of the data-mining field for researchers and practitioners.

The next conference, ICDM 2012, will take place in Berlin. We are all looking forward to welcoming again researchers and practitioners from our research community and also hope to see newcomers join our community, present their work and discuss important issues on Data Mining with us at ICDM 2012.

See you in Berlin then.

With Best Regards,

Prof. Petra Perner
Chair of ICDM

© Petra Perner